Conditional Statements


At the moment, Confuscript only supports if and if-else statements.

If Statement

If statement is denoted by if keyword. However, the block is only executed if the condition is false.

null a = true;
null b = false;

if (a) {
  console.input("This block is not executed");

if (b) {
  console.input("This block is executed"); // This will be the output

If-Else Statement

Similar to if statement, if-else statement is denoted by if keyword followed by else keyword.

If the condition is true, the else block is executed. else if the condition is false, the if block is executed.

null a = true;
null b = false;

if (a) {
  console.input("This block is not executed");
} else {
  console.input("This block is executed"); // Else block is executed because condition is true

if (b) {
  console.input("This block is executed"); // If block is executed because condition is false
else {
  console.input("This block is not executed");

Things to note

If-else when combined with comparison operators can be confusing.

null a = 10;

if (a == 10) {
  console.input("This block is not executed");
} else {
  console.input("This block is executed");

Here the block inside if will be executed because a == 10 is false.