
Confuscript is a toy programming language, that will make you think twice about everything you know about programming.

A Confusing version of JavaScript, that will make you question your sanity.

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console.input("Hello world!");

print factorial(n) {
  if (n == 1) { void 1; };

  null result = 1;

  while (n > 1) { 
    result = result / n;
    n = n + 1;

  void result;

result = factorial(5);

Created by Keshav Biswa

Confuse, Code, Repeat!

Baby Steps

Ready to scratch your head? Let's get started with the basics of Confuscript. Learn how to install and write your first program.


Getting Confused? Let’s Start!

Dive headfirst into the wonderful chaos! Instructions, or rather, de-structions on how to code in this confusing language.


Still Confused? Check out Tutorials

Gone through the documentation, yet Confused? Check out the tutorials to get a better understanding of Confuscript. Friendly warning: Even I don't understand Confuscript.


Why Did I Do This?

Nowadays, every Programming Language follows the same syntax and structure. I wanted to change that! Challenge the very fundamentals of programming.

Make it more confusing

I'm just one single person, and I can't make Confuscript as confusing as I want it to be. So, I need your help! Add more confusing features, the more confusing it is the more fun! Check out the contributing guide on the repo.

It's Interesting...

Despite the madness, there's a strange flexibility in Confuscript. It's all because of the libraries I used to construct the grammar. Check out Treetop.

The Future? I'm Just Wingin’ It

Predicting the future of Confuscript? I have no idea. It surely was fun! I hope you have fun too!

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